Hello!  This is my first blog and I look forward to building on it and visiting each one of yours! 5 years ago I obtained my associate nursing degree and began working  in a small town emergency room/hospital.  Although I'm loving every new experience that arises, I know there are so many different areas of nursing available with a bachelors.  Many hospitals and clinics are requiring further education prior to being hired. Becoming a nurse anesthetist is my ultimate goal and I  realize it will take time and dedication. Furthering my education will open doors to many opportunities, financially and socially.

The week after the 4th of July, I'm going up to a resort with my mom and nephew for a few days to enjoy the outdoors!  Being from Marshall originally, it's always a treat to "get away" and travel.  Playing tennis, golfing, taking classes at the YMCA, and jogging are all activities I spend my free time enjoying. Hopefully, I'll make it to a twins game this year, in another state!  It's fun visiting different outdoor stadiums.  Baltimore, Washington, and Boston are a few stadiums I've had the chance to check out. Enjoy the upcoming holiday and here's to getting your homework done early so you can enjoy it!


    I'm looking forward to this new and exciting challenge of being in school again and meeting my goals to become a nurse anesthetist.


    July 2013
    June 2013

